Opal White Eye feather |
WOW! I can't believe how quickly August flew by us...the entire summer really...but August in particular. I have had several blog posts swimming around my head this month but time has gotten away from me so I thought maybe a recap of the month would be best.
Let's see, the very tail end of July, brought our first group of
(St)Eveling's! Talk about cute overload. :)
(St)Eveling's |
Just a few days after the (St)Eveling's hatched we welcomed an adorable group of peachicks from my bronze progressive pied project pen. In addition, one of our hens is now sitting on another 10 eggs! Not sure how many will be fertile but we are letting her do her mama thing and hoping for the best.
Bronze Progressive Pied Chick and two Bronze Mama's |
Bronze Progressive Pied Peachicks |
Just days after all the hatching excitement, we packed up and took the family on a vacation to Disney World. One thousand miles (one way) in the van with all four kiddos made for a crazy mom and dad once we did arrive but the kids were able to burn off some steam in the pool at our rental house and all was well with the world. We spent a wonderful week as a family (our first vacation as a family of 6!) and enjoyed a visit to Gatorland as well as SIX fun-filled days at the Disney parks. I am still trying to dig out from under the 900+ pictures we took. LOL ;)
All SIX of us with Buzz and Woody At Disney |
Sydney and (St)Eve |
Once we were back home, we only had a few days to get ready for back to school (BOO, HISS). Our oldest (Sydney) started 4th grade and Jackson started 1st grade. Andy will have one more year of preschool since he won't turn 5 until October; he was quite disappointed he didn't get to ride the bus too this year.
Andy and (St)Eve |
Jack wasn't as happy as big sis to be going back to school. |
Sydney, Andy and (St)Eve |
Jack giving baby sis Savannah a big hug before the bus comes. |
Jack and Andy also spent a LOT of time this month catching frogs, toads, snakes and probably many other creatures I don't even want to know about. ;)
One of the frogs caught this summer. |
August always brings us armfuls of peacock feathers. That translates to lots and LOTS of collecting, cleaning and sorting.
I haven't finished the sorting yet but if anyone is interested in buying any I will be selling some this year, contact me for info.
Whole lotta peacock feathers |
Jack, so proud of the evening's feather haul. |
Both boys were very proud to help unload some of the hay we are stocking up for winter. We are lucky that our supplier is just down the road so he brings it to us in manageable amounts so we can stack and store it and not feel totally overwhelmed! This year we are putting up about 200 bales of hay which should get us through winter with a bit left over for early spring--hopefully!
Brother's unloading hay, so nice to see them working together. They actually begged to unload the trailer and came up with the plan of how to unload all on their own. :) |
To finish out our last weekend of August, we welcomed some new friends to the farm for a visit, Shelly and Harry Wade. We had a lovely visit and time went by all too quickly! We hope to make a visit out to see them sometime soon. :)
Harry and Shelly Wade with (St)Eve |
Shelly and I with (St)Eve |
Hubby, Shelly and (St)Eve |
Well, I think that about wraps up August...wonder what fun/chaos September will bring?! oh, wait...soccer, soccer and more soccer, our annual fall exotic animal auction trip and the
UPA convention! YAY! fun month coming up.